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Monday, January 19, 2015

What I've Been Up to This Month

Wow! My last post was early December! Soooo not only did the holidays catch up with me but I got a horrible cold that I’ve been trying to get rid of going on two weeks now! But I wanted to let you know I’m alive and well and I wanted to share what we’ve been up to in our classroom. Here we go!

Let's start with my favorite Thursday activity: Art! I teach art to my students every Thursday and I love starting art with this activity (and it gives me a little more time to prep the art project). 
-white butcher paper
-markers, crayons or colored Pencils

I lay out a white piece of butcher paper. I have each student pick a different color marker and pick a spot around the desks. We go over the rules mostly that it's not okay to draw over someone's drawing, they can only add the existing drawing. I then time them for 1 minute and they can draw anything they like in their area. Once time is up we rotate clockwise and add to the existing drawing or draw a different picture in that area. The kids love it and I love seeing what they draw!

The first week back I got a horrible cold,  still have a cough, and I muddled through the week and forgot that Friday I was filling in for my co-worker for math and language arts with the upper grades. For this primary gal it is no walk in the park. So, I didn't realize they were both learning how to perform different operations with fractions. What made it hard were the students who didn't have their multiplication facts down. The 4th graders had to order fractions and  find the common denominator which is hard if you don't know your multiplication and division facts. Sometimes the common denominator would be in one of the fractions! Let's just say I was happy to go back to teaching regrouping in addition and learning numbers to 100. Here's what their math looked like:

Speaking of counting to 100, my firstie peaches are amazing! I needed more time with my second graders so I had them write numbers 1-100 on a blank hundreds chart. It was amazing to see what they could do independently. Here they are proud of their hundreds chart:   

This past week we learned about MLK, Jr. and thanks to Molly Lynch from Lucky to Be In First, Cheryl from Primary Graffiti, Bonnie Kathryn from Kinders and Beyond, Jennifer from Simply Kinder I had a successful unit for the week:

I asked my students who they thought this was and I recorded their responses. Aaron btw is my husband.

They really enjoyed Molly Lynch's little books. This one was drawn by one of my firsties.

We used Cheryl's book companion for Martin's Big Words

Friday we colored and wrote a biography of MLK Jr.

This week my firstie peaches were learning about even and odd numbers. Of course I had to bring out Even Steven and Odd Todd. I was looking for something to give them extra practice so I took to TPT. I stumbled upon this awesome Scoot freebie from Tiffany Gannon

 Odd Todd and Even Steven were referenced a lot at the beginning and then they started to gain confidence and didn't need the posters. 

Last but not least I've been doing Fun Fridays this year with my class and they absolutely love it! Two weeks ago my second grade peaches read a story about a trip to a firehouse. So on Friday we made fire engines out of food and I transformed some water bottles into fire hoses and took them out to spray some "fires" out. 

Well that's a wrap! I hope to blog more now that I'm over this cold! Stay healthy everyone!